If the gift has a type of Planned Gift the Is Planned Gift Active attribute (a yes/no attribute) should always be present and populated

Overview This rule checks if a gift has a “planned gift” gift type then a specific yes/no gift attribute should be on the record. Even if other attributes are present then the planned gift active attribute needs to be there. What is more if the gift has no attributes this should also apply. This rule would…

A gift has a status of completed or terminated but there is also an active recurring gift on the constituent and the constituent also has a regular donor constituent code

Overview This is a very complicated rule. It starts with a recurring gift being saved. If the constituent has another recurring gift that is active and the constituent has a regular donor constituent code without an end date the user should be informed. The rule consists of four different rules. The first one checks to…

Do not allow constituent to be saved if it does not have a donor constituent code and there is a cash gift with a campaign of general unless the gift has a face to face appeal

Overview This rule enforces the donor constituent code as long as there is at least one cash gift with the campaign of “General”. However if that should not apply if the gift has an appeal of “Face to Face”. This is a relatively complex rule consisting of three tiers. There are three rules. Each one…